Why we choose NoTube
After the hospitalization in the MMC in Veldhoven, the Netherlands, Elodie’s 18 months old body was in survival mode, she ate and survived on very little food and she was failing to thrive, and severely underweight. The extreme hunger provocation that they did was detrimental for her health and…
NoTube Eating school day 12 (chapter 2)
The last day. This eating school went really fast! Maybe because we were able to enjoy and appreciate it even more. We can look back and say that this time we can go back home without anxiety. We are okay on our own, and will continue to make steps.…
NoTube Eating school day 11 (chapter 2)
One more day to go and then the eating school is finished already! This time we don’t feel the anxiety like we did last year. We have more confidence in ourselves and in Elodie. We have come a long way, and she has been making little steps. She has…
NoTube Eating school day 10 (chapter 2)
We found out that Elodie’s molars are coming through. Which may explain why she is rather short-tempered the last few days. Elodie woke up quite often last night, so it was difficult to get her out of bed this morning. I sounded the alarm for 5 minutes, but she…
NoTube Eating school day 9 (chapter 2)
Elodie was waking up on her own around 08.30, she is used to the new routine now. Just a few more days to go, and we have finished this eating school, time really flies. This morning she ate a few slices of ham while playing games on my phone.…
NoTube Eating school day 8 (chapter 2)
Our 8th day at NoTube wasn’t eventful. We see a routine here, Elodie doesn’t eat much during the day but does try new things which is good. Back at the apartment she eats more while watching videos on YouTube. She still loves prosciutto and salmon sashimi, so we always…
NoTube Eating school day 7 (chapter 2)
Today was our day off. I remember how afraid we were to be left alone without help. This time we were more confident and went with the flow. We were really hoping that Elodie would sleep in, but unfortunately for us, she woke up at 08.30. At least this…
NoTube Eating school day 6 (chapter 2)
Elodie woke up on her own again this morning. I will probably be starting with this sentence in all my blogs, because our mornings at home start much later, and I am just amazed by her flexibility. We are already halfway to this eating school! Time flies. She didn’t…
NoTube Eating school day 5 (chapter 2)
We didn’t have to wake up Elodie today, she woke up after hearing our noise while we were preparing for the day. She even had a few minutes left to snooze. She didn’t eat much in the morning. But ate some ice cream and new foods. We have noticed…
NoTube Eating school day 4 (chapter 2)
Elodie woke up by herself when she heard me walking around. I guess she is getting used to the new daily routine. At home, we chill in bed for a while after waking up, so she wasn’t eager to get up. She seemed more interested in going to the…