1 Michelin Star,  Amsterdam,  Fine dining,  Food,  Restaurants,  The Netherlands


This restaurant with open kitchen is located in the city centre of Amsterdam. The 212 concept is called ‘eating at the chef’s table’ because you sit next to each other and can look straight in to the kitchen.

Its owners Richard van Oostenbrugge en Thomas Groot used to work together at restaurant Bordeau in Hotel Leurope and earned multiple awards and 2 Michelin stars. In 2018 they decided to go their own ways and opened 212 and got their Michelin Star shortly thereafter.

Booster seat
I was wondering how they would seat Elodie because all tables included high chairs. This was solved by providing Elodie a seating cushion with straps which was attached to their regular chairs. The regular high chairs for kids would be too low. The table is more like a big bar where you can look into the kitchen when seated.

Incredibly child friendly
The waitresses were really nice to Elodie, and she was given crayons and paper. During the courses they especially made crisps gnocchi with truffle and a madeleine cake for her. This was a very sweet gesture.

Exquisite tastes
We had a booking for lunch with around 50% discount by making an online reservation on a booking site.

We were pleased to see that they didn’t cut on costs. They used real caviar, truffle and other premium ingredients. The course with fish and mushrooms was wonderful. Elodie wanted some when we were almost finished. The dessert was amazing, an edible apple. Elodie was mesmerized. She thought she could pick it up, but it shattered the moment she put a bit of pressure on it. She loved it. The ice was also wonderful.

While walking to the toilet Elodie had dirty hands, which we forgot about, and she touched the curtains which got stained. I immediately started cleaning it and the hostess, Daphne Oudshoorn, came as well and was really nice about it. She told me not to worry as she cleaned it. Saying she understood how children are. We later learned they have a daughter too and they brought her to restaurants as well. Sometimes it was a succes and sometimes it was not, but it was a good experience for children.

There are no diaper change facilities. This didn’t matter to me because I mainly change nappies when Elodie is standing.

Very helpful
When we were leaving I had the doctor on the phone because Elodie was having a rash. The waitress put on Elodie her jacket because she saw I was busy packing and calling.

We really enjoyed eating here. Prices are steep without discount, but the dishes were exciting, non-traditional, and looked fantastic.


Food: 9-
Child friendly: 9

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