Hi there! Through this website we want to give you a peek in our lives as special needs parents of our little girl who has no interest in food and doesn’t want to eat.
Don’t forget to follow our progress on Instagram or Facebook. ❤️
Under family life, you will find posts about our life, and how we are trying to cope with our daughter’s eating disorder. The impact infantile anorexia and ARFID has on our daily lives, and what sort of treatments we have had and its results.
There was no other treatment that we could do in our own country, we tried a lot. In my search for help I found NoTube. Under this section you will find our blogs about the NoTube eating school and other NoTube related experiences.
City trips and travelling with a child is so much different when compared to life before kids, especially if they have special needs. But it’s possible and fun. It just needs a bit more planning.