NoTube Eating school day 7 (chapter 2)
Today was our day off. I remember how afraid we were to be left alone without help. This time we were more confident and went with the flow. We were really hoping that Elodie would sleep in, but unfortunately for us, she woke up at 08.30. At least this…
NoTube Eating school day 6 (chapter 2)
Elodie woke up on her own again this morning. I will probably be starting with this sentence in all my blogs, because our mornings at home start much later, and I am just amazed by her flexibility. We are already halfway to this eating school! Time flies. She didn’t…
Elodie 12-24 months: starvation mode, infantile anorexia, PPD & PTSD
After Elodie’s first year (where we started encountering feeding issues), at her first birthday she wouldn’t drink from the bottle anymore. Until then, we were still dream feeding her. Gradually it took 1.5 hour for her to just drink 40cc and then it diminished to just 20cc. The past…
Elodie 0-12 months: refusing bottle, no sucking reflex & dream feeding
Almost 4 months after birth we discovered that Elodie had thrush during a routine check up (she was drinking rather slow). We used to mention this to the nurses before, but her mouth was not checked until now. Her tongue was white and you couldn’t wipe it off. When…