Why we choose NoTube
After the hospitalization in the MMC in Veldhoven, the Netherlands, Elodie’s 18 months old body was in survival mode, she ate and survived on very little food and she was failing to thrive, and severely underweight. The extreme hunger provocation that they did was detrimental for her health and…
Elodie 5.5 – 6 years old: eating well, even lots of new foods in China
Pancreatic cancerWe didn’t go anywhere this summer holiday because my mother was having pancreatic cancer. She was hospitalised a few times, and she was getting more tired. Then we heard that she had to stop treatment because it was not working anymore. This absolutely broke my heart. My mother…
Elodie 5 – 5.5 years old: lots of energy, big variety of foods, terminal grandmother
The first Monday in the New Year my mother started chemo therapy for stage 4 pancreatic cancer which was diagnosed end of September. The day before we were trying our best to have a happy New Year’s Eve, knowing it might be our last one. My mother’s first chemo…
Elodie 4.5 – 5 years: better immune system, major weight increase, loves eating
Last school weeksThe last few school weeks went quite smoothly, and she attended school on time as well. Seeing that she could go to school like her classmates, without getting sick was wonderful. One of the teachers was such a gem. We clicked instantly, and she took the time…
Elodie 4-4.5 years: primary school, flu, enjoying eating
January was the last month at day care. Because at age 4, kids start primary school in the Netherlands. The last two months Elodie wasn’t sick that much anymore, and she could go to day care from 09.30 until 16.30. She didn’t need to stay there the entire day,…
Elodie 3.5 – 4 years old: sick, viruses, throat infections etc
We haven’t experienced such a bad, exhausting, draining, dark period in a long time. These six months are so hazy in my memory, it was plain survival mode. It made us realise that after our first NoTube eating school our life started to become increasingly ‘normal’. After around 9…
Mechelen, Belgium, city trip with a toddler
We had a long weekend in Mechelen with our toddler. Our friends have a gigantic house in the city centre, and we had the luxury to stay there for a few days. The weather was crappy this time of the year, but we were still able to do some…
Today was a good day <3
We went to the Tilburgse Kermis today and for dinner Elodie choose KFC over some burger restaurant. When we wanted to go outside with our order she pointed out that she wanted to take a seat. We were surprised because initially she was in a hurry to go to…
Elodie 3 – 3.5 years old: Lots of progress, day care and flu’s.
The new year started really well! Elodie was eating, at least, around 800 calories a day on her own. We could see progress almost daily. Eating new foods, bigger amounts, asking for food, telling us she is hungry and saying that she loves eating and loves food. Even though…
The impact of the flu on a child with an eating disorder (arfid)
Elodie started day care in April. After two days, where she only went a few hours, she got sick with a major throat infection. Oh my, this was the worst month in 2 years. The lack of sleep, miserable days, the feeling of not wanting to face the next…